Thursday, November 26, 2020

red poll warbler

On a birdwatching walk last week I just missed out on seeing one of these. Too many birders, not enough sightlines.


I added a light wash and threw some white spatter on ... because I can't control myself!


  1. Both of these are great! You are adding more little things in the painting - just enough - to give it more life. Love splatter (no, I cannot control myself with it, either!!). For a totally sparkly, shiny, fun look to snow scenes, try Schminke Aqua Bronze pigment (a tiny jar will last forever, even if you splatter a lot). It comes in silver, bronze, gold, etc. Fun stuff and pretty over dark colors.

  2. Cieszę się, ze mogłam obejrzeć Twoje prace! Bardzo mi się podobają!


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