Friday, August 31, 2018

Benny's Landing

Painted here at the beginning of last year, with mostly disastrous results, and took the picture this is painted from.
There was a ton of largely indiscernible "information" under the house and the dock and I was trying to just indicate that there was something there ... not entirely successfully (got much too dark in some places), but success enough


  1. The star in this one is the laundry and how well you've rendered it, blowing in a breezes. If you don't like the underside of the house, perhaps crop off the bottom part until just a bit of the bottom of the dock stays and see what you think. I don't think it's too dark under there at all.

    1. Thank you, Rhonda. You know how your eye always goes to the thing you dont like!

  2. I like the summertime feel of this one. Thank you for sharing.

  3. I love the simplicity of your paintings more than anything else. Especially in your landscapes and water scenes, boats etc.

    Even though I've been painting many years, I am self taught and it has been a struggle to learn to paint more 'watery'. I took one workshop in 2012 with Joyce Hicks.
    Possibly after all this time I'm getting the 'drift' of it. LOL ~

    1. The amount of water v pigment is always a challenge ... sometimes it works!

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. This one speaks to me, the laundry on the line and the freshness of your technique.


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