Friday, August 24, 2018

3 days

Another ( nearly) year of no blogging and hardly any painting.
Going to try to change that-- no matter how awkward and disappointing these first steps are.
I spent about 15-20 minutes the last 3 mornings, before becoming overwhelmed by dailiness, painting a small, 7x10, sketch.
Going to push for 5 days a week.


  1. So glad you decided to pick up the brush again. These are beautiful. Perhaps I will also will paint again after six months! I really enjoy your painting style. Please keep it up, you are obviously talented!

  2. Thank you, B&K. It seems like about two years I've been struggling to get back to painting regularly. I'd pick it up now and then, but couldn't stick with it. Hoping that I am in the right place to begin again.


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I will return the visit soon