Wednesday, May 21, 2014

life drawing

Joined a life drawing group last night: they meet once a month for four hours. I only made it through three before I was too exhausted to go on.
The models were a husband and wife, but in these 20-minute poses, I left him out.
It felt very awkward and difficult drawing a live model after having not done it for several years, but the challenge is one of the appealing things about it. After trying so hard, I can only get better (right?).



  1. oh my gosh, these are so Beautiful!!!

  2. Exciting. Four hours is very long. I love these.

    XOXOXO Barbara

  3. Laura, this looks like a fun class. Lovely,your freedom is wonderful. love,Diana

  4. Did you draw and then put in the watercolor wash? I think yiu have something going here and hope you can continue with the sessions - I would be proud of either of them but the top one is my favorite.

  5. Great practice, I love these!!

  6. I was doing 3 hr classes and they were exhausting. You did beautiful figures after not doing them for a long time.

  7. Lovely sketches Laura. Four hours is a killer. The sessions I attend during the summer are three hours, and I usually leave after two. That's all I can endure!

  8. Wow! you have been busy since the April workshop! I like your flowers, but I LOVE the life drawing sketches!! How fun drawing with your brush. I also like what you painted at the Mel Stabin Workshop. Did you enjoy Mel as much as Carol? What was different?

    I am just getting started now that school is out. My goal is three paintings this summer. I hope I reach it :)


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