Wednesday, June 19, 2013

(stalled) wip

Another Brandywine Light painting, in progress. I used mask to save the railings, so I there's a little time pressure to finish if I want to be able to get the mask off. (I used a Masquepen, which allows you to draw fine lines with the mask.)

This is one of my favorite restaurants in Cape May, Gecko's. (If you go do not miss the pear-cornmeal cake.) The tree is really the show, though, and I'm afraid to paint trees ... I was building up washes of green (I should have varied the colors in each glaze more) but not being pleased with the results thought I'd try a few branches, and I'm more pleased with them.
I painted them with burnt sienna, violet, raw sie
nna and some ultramarine blue, trying to vary and mingle the colors as I went. I think I'll do more of them, then go back to the foliage.

Lilies and trumpet vines I plucked from an empty lot on my bike ride today.
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  1. Your washes are so loose & lovely! I have a lighthouse in the works also. Is that green mask?

  2. Lovely and watery.. just like it should be.
    Our daylilies aren't out yet. pretty soon tho.

  3. Every time I look at your paintings I think of the word 'glowing' . That's how they strike me.. Beautiful work, as always. You've always been an inspiration for me, and you get better all the time.. Have no fear, your tree work is splendid. !

  4. I love your works in progress. I always feel like I'm learning so much watching you at work. These are beautiful.

    XO Barbara

  5. Just popped in to say I am glad to see you back painting and blogging again Laura. I've missed seeing your work. I've had a soft spot for it long before I saw it on the Painting Loft many moons ago. I probably never thought to tell you before. xx

  6. This is a lovely painting of the lighthouse, and the washes are perfect


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