Friday, July 17, 2009

off to delaware

I'm off to the ferry this a.m., heading to Delaware for a couple of days of plein air painting on Cape Henlopen with friends Shelby, Carol and Betsey.
I hope I'll have some nice scenes--from all of us--to show you when I return.
Have a wonderful weekend!!
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  1. Hi Laura,

    Isn't this beautiful. It is exactly what I love about the seashore. Maybe sometime you'll come up to Nova Scotia when we're there. I've been to PEI, and love it too, but never to Newfoundland, and would really love to go one summer.

    Take care,


  2. Am still loving your Caribbean paintings, Laura, and looking forward to what you return with after this short trip away.

  3. oh it's sounds so nice. i love to have trips like that.
    The painting is very pleasent for eyes!

  4. Beautiful! We've taken the ferry from Door County to Washington Island several times. Such a neat experience!


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