Saturday, April 25, 2009

"the force that through the green fuse drives the flower"

(11x15 sheet)
Four small goes at this month's Virtual Sketch Date image.
My successive-wash attempt (bottom left) failed! It's a good technique; my execution's at fault. Mainly I should have taken more care to make the washes smooth.

The force that through the green fuse drives the flower

Dylan Thomas

The force that through the green fuse drives the flower
Drives my green age; that blasts the roots of trees
Is my destroyer.
And I am dumb to tell the crooked rose
My youth is bent by the same wintry fever.
The force that drives the water through the rocks
Drives my red blood; that dries the mouthing streams
Turns mine to wax.
And I am dumb to mouth unto my veins
How at the mountain spring the same mouth sucks.
The hand that whirls the water in the pool
Stirs the quicksand; that ropes the blowing wind
Hauls my shroud sail.
And I am dumb to tell the hanging man
How of my clay is made the hangman's lime.
The lips of time leech to the fountain head;
Love drips and gathers, but the fallen blood
Shall calm her sores.
And I am dumb to tell a weather's wind
How time has ticked a heaven round the stars.
And I am dumb to tell the lover's tomb
How at my sheet goes the same crooked worm.
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  1. Laura, this doesn't look like any kind of failure to me--these are gorgeous! I wanted to work in the garden today, since it's warm and sunny out, but you sure are making me want to get out the paints. They're beautiful! Your color choices are jewel-like.

  2. It would only have been a failure if you didn't try it :)

  3. Hi Laura,

    I love looking at your work. I would not call that painting a failure -- it's just not what you expected.

    One of the things I love about watercolour is that it's almost impossible to know ahead of time what will happen as you paint. What happens when you paint is always magic.

    Take care,


  4. These are just beautiful!

  5. It is such a pleasure to come here and enjoy poetry, Cezanne, and your singing, flying colours (including the 'failure'!) I would be happy to put any of these on my walls, but I think my favourite is top left.

  6. these are all lovely! love all the colours and its an interesting technique to try out in the future

  7. Laura your paintings are as fresh and entrancing as ever... love the flow and bloom of the watercolours, whatever you say about trying technical issues.The poetry is a treat as well. Thank you.

  8. beautiful pieces, each is a joy in colour and freshness

  9. It may not be what you were aiming for, but it doesn't look like a failure at all. Besides there always seem to be a bit of serendipity with watercolor. All four are beautiful pieces.

  10. No failures here at all, just really lovely work!

  11. Your colours and use of the paint is so interesting. Love seeing the four versions together. Gorgeous work.

  12. Laura - these are just gorgeous!!! Thanks so much for your comments on my Calla lilies. :) Marva

  13. I like all your versions, and of course the all together.


  14. Beautiful water colours!

  15. These are beautiful.. The last one is the best of all :)


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