Monday, March 02, 2009

edm 44

March 2 is the birthday of both my brother Dan and Peter's sister Penny. They're both 44, so I figured I'd choose "44" as my first Everyday Matters drawing. It turned out to be "draw an animal."
EDM was started by Danny Gregory and is a weekly challenge to draw/paint some everyday item. You can jump in anywhere. View a list of past challenges here.
Artists post their drawing to the EDM Superblog and also to the EDM FlickR group.

I've decided I'm going to try to do some EDMs and practice my drawing skills.
Later in the day I downloaded some photos from a memory disk I haven't used in awhile and found this photo of Nanda lying on the deck looking up at me.

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  1. Anonymous10:36 PM

    i like the drawing, however, i am not familiar with edm.

  2. Hi Nancy. Thanks for stopping and commenting. I've revised my entry to include more info on EDM--sorry to have been so hasty and cryptic! ;-)

  3. It must have been a bit emotional to find a photo of Nanda - but perhaps healing to draw her..? I love those luxurious cat attitudes, you've captured her stretch perfectly (I resisted spelling that the other way!)

  4. great sketch of your car, found the watercolors you stareted painting very nice

  5. Very sweet--I must've missed this one, Laura.


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