Wednesday, March 04, 2009


Awhile back Sharon sent me a pack of ATCs (artist trading cards) with assorted surfaces, like bristol and canvas-textured, which is especially nice as I like to try different surfaces. I decided to paint a different flower on each one and started today with these.

(2.5x3.5 each)

An ice sculpture hanging from my bayberry bush (and endangering anyone who ventures up my front steps).

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  1. Hi Laura,

    Okay -- I'm not coming up your front steps today -- but the flowers are gorgeous. I love the way you paint in watercolour -- it's everything I love about the medium. (We spell it differently in Canada).

    Take care,


  2. Beautiful flowers - looking forward to seeing the others on the different textures. That's quite a scary ice sculpture!!!

  3. These are gorgeous Laura. Glad you are putting the cards to use, and what a great antidote to those icicles! The poppy turned out especially sweet. Really, your daily artwork inspires me.

  4. Anonymous4:28 PM

    Really nice. Always love your flower watercolors.

  5. Laura - your paintings are beautiful!!! So glad to meet you and I'll stop back by again. Marva

  6. They're wonderful! I love the simplicity with no backgrounds, letting the flowers speak for themselves!

  7. Anonymous7:16 PM

    wow, they are really small!

    i am partial to poppies.

    do you trade these? i don't know how that works.
    maybe i should google it.

  8. Always fun to experiment with different papers, its like they have personalities rather than characteristics.

  9. Love the ATCs.. beautiful colors.
    Yikes that is a wicked icicle. :))

  10. You've painted a spring tonic, Jennifer! I'm squeezing my eyes shut, stuffing my fingers in my ears and singing loudly to not see or think about icicles!

  11. Amazing--that ice is gorgeous--how wonderful you captured it with this photo! The flowers are, indeed gorgeous.


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